Fall greetings from Cleveland Ohio!
I've gone into hiker hibernation and unfortuantely in a very literal way. Two weeks ago while audaciously rollerblading on Geauga County's beautiful Maple Highlands Trail, I sprained my right ankle and banged up my knee. Fortunately, the doctor told me today that I can kiss my crutches goodbye and say hello to walking again, but it will be another two weeks before I can rollerblade and hike again. Nonetheless, the experience has taught me patience, humility, and appreciation for kindness. I would still be helplessly laying on that bike path in Geauga County with my sprained ankle if it weren't for kindness :)
My backpack and hiking gear are packed away and my Spanish books are out! I'm transititioning from mountain woman to Spanish teacher :) I'm falling in love with this profession (almost) everyday. When student's are open to learning and using imagination, the classroom can be a very transformative and powerful experience for the good. It is so awesome to be a part of this process. :)
While I'm writing lesson plans and grading papers, I'm still making big plans for next summer. In May 2011, I'm planning to hit the Trail in Massachusettes, right where I left off this past July. I have about 650 miles left before I reach Mt Katahdin, the final summit of my Appalchian Trail Hike. I've done about 1500 miles which is hard to believe. I must say though after hiking so many miles, I can justify calling myself an experienced outdoors woman, a real mountain woman :) lol. Anywhoo, May to August 2011 I will be living my mountain woman dreams and hopefully finishing the 2,125 mile Appalachian Trail :)
So, I keep on dreaming.....
(Of pumpking pie)

You look pretty in this pic rach! (you always are though)