Hello from Daleville, VA.
Here on the Trail we have a beautiful thing called "Trail Magic." Trail Magic is a random act of kindness which can be a free ride from a trailhead to town, a free meal at a restaurant, cold drinks and fresh food brought to the trail, a place to stay for the night, a smile to brighten a rainy day, etc. I have witnessed so much of this Trail Magic and am convinced that such kindness and goodness is the essence of this life. I can't explain how or why. Perhaps this is the core of our existence and we find this when we are in the woods-in nature, where we all originate. And when we share this kindness and goodness, it brings about such happiness. So true and deep that it spreads and spreads and spreads, creating a most magical Appalachian Trail and a most magical life! Such good energy comes from these woods and I'm beginning to see that it is because all of nature is entirely free to be what it is-perfect and necessary in this existence. Our minds, our consciousness, although it has the capacity to free us, often times limits and traps us in a constrained reality that is far from free. So when we come to the woods, with an open heart to kindness and goodness, with a hope and faith in grace, our consciousness feels the freeness of the trees and birds and bugs and leaves and it allows itself to be-to accept its shortcomings and be present in the very core of our beings-love.
I am most definitely enjoying how this magical Trail is shaping me :)
I am most definitely enjoying how this magical Trail is shaping me :)
Some photos of these past two weeks. Beautiful flower, morning sunshine on the Trail, a graceful butterfly and my heart is in Ohio :)
Enjoy and happy summer!
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