Photo #1: Mexico es VIDA-Mexico is life

Photo #2: Mexico es SOL-Mexico is SUN


My precious and dear neighbor, my Mexico. To say that I ♥ Mexico is an understatement. I fell in love with Mexico during the six weeks I spent there. My suggestion to readers: don't listen to what the news tells you about Mexico. Let me rephrase that, listen to the news but with an incredibly critical ear and listen to many different sources. Yes, Mexico has a drug cartel problem, but I would say that it is just as much our problem as it is Mexico's. And that's a whole new blog entry that perhaps one day I will explore. Mexico is so much more than the drug cartels, so so so so much more. First of all, Mexico is enormous. It has 115 million people, 26 different indigenous languages, 31 states, 760,000 square miles-probably 1/3 of the U.S. With all of this grandness, Mexico hosts several different ecologies and landscapes. From deserts to jungles, mountains to islands, beaches and more. The people are just as diverse, with hundreds of Mayan and Native American communities, different types of economies and industries, different lifestyles, music and art. The cities are all full of life and the streets tell of this. You walk through any city, just about anytime during the day and you will find yourself surrounded by families taking a stroll, dogs looking for scraps, musicians strumming a classical guitar, shoe shiners eyein' their next gig, vendors selling fresh fruit drinks or tamales or stuffed chiles. OH!!!! The CHILES. Wow! Did you know Mexico has over 3,000 chiles? Yes, 3,000! That means there's probably about 3,000 different recipes for all 3,000 chiles! YUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!That deserves a whole separate post!
So, until next time. I'm gonna go find me some yummy poblano chiles to cook up :)
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