breath touching the world.
Tells memories,
makes sense and meaning,
the world it sees.
Violence and hatred,
oppression and domination.
Silence turns into
compliance turns into confusion
turns into sickness,
in voice.
Isolates, suffocates,
kills life.
Life gives
and gives
new breath,
expands voice,
grows strong.
Spreads light
and love,
breaks silence.
Voice names
silence as violence.
Life gives breath,
touches pain,
clears confusion.
Voice transforms
into song,
a sweet melody
dances with breath,
gentle and clear.
Voice is strong,
breath touches life,
grows fierce.
Dispels oppression
and hate,
with breath
knows love.
Power and truth,
rises up,
flies free,
thrives in
victory breath.
Peace to you.
Photo Credit to Harmony Santana from the NYTimes.